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Tuesday, 11 November 2008

100 Days!

With 100 days to go! Ive quite a bit to sort and do...

Medical Issues

Yesterday i went to see the 'Traveldoc' on Regent street to consult him about the jabs I still require. This place offers a 10% discount as I've booked through STA and is reasonably cheaper than my local NHS nurses practice. Heres how the remaining medical costs are racking up:
  • Hepatitis B jab - £37
  • Rabies - £47
  • Yellowfever - £47
Plus malaria prophylaxis drugs: Melfloquine - £48

Jabs appointment for Monday 17th Nov...

Traveling Money

After considering several credit cards and Mastercard alternatives I'm looking at a STA travel Mastercard cash card, which is accepted around the world, has excellent security features and is designed for travelers. This should be a suitable alternative to an actual credit card, which I've never been to comfortable with the idea of...


I've also been looking at several sources of acquiring a NZ working visa. After scouring several websites and phoning for a couple of price quotes I've once again decided that STA's is economically the best choice, undercutting other prices by at least £20. A holiday visa is also needed for OZ at a small cost of £20.


Once again I'm considering adjusting my itinerary... this time to make it a little more flexible in places and allowing myself more freedom for traveling about, namely in New Zealand, allowing the possibility for me to visit west OZ and maybe Indonesia. After all, isn't that what travelings about? ~Being free!~ The adjustments would also make the South American part of the trip fit into the summer season better, tho i'm not quite sure where I'd end up around Christmas or new years... lol I may also end up in Rio in Feb 2010 for the greatest carnival on Earth ...

The alterations would be simple at this stage, with no loss of any deposits and the moving of a few flight dates. The inspiration for the changes came from several sources; an indepth conversation with Ben from the alley about traveling, discussion about how i like things to work and how I am as a person with John from Bistro and my own thoughts considering the whole point of me traveling and why I want to do this. The last sentiment may hold the answer to the big looming question about what I want to do after I've traveled...

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