Once Ive left New Zealand I hope to visit Chile in late September / early October for a couple of weeks, just before flying north from Santiago to Lima-Peru! on the agenda below it was listed as Argentina however, this will now be Chile,with a potential trip across the boarder into Argentina.
In the southern regions of Chile (region XII) is Patagonia - Cape Horn. This area is the southern tip of American land, where the southernmost city of the world: Punta Arenas is located. The city has a longitude of 53°. The only thing south from here is Antarctica... So understandably this place is known as the end of the world...
Thailand trip to be paid for at the end of October, as well as the deposit for Latin America 'southern cross' trip.
Free talk at STA travel on November 3rd about Australia and New Zealand.
New Zealand working visa to be sorted in November, along with medical jabs for:
- Hep B
- Rabies
- Yellow fever
- Jap Enceph
Lots of reading to be done!
4 months to go..